Tom Sarafian
Tom Sarafian card
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order?
You can sign up with this link and if I have a menu open you can order! DM me on Instagram if you have any issues.
Can you make any other meals for my family?
I would love to make more meals for your family but I have to keep this small for the moment as I'm working on a few more projects. But who knows? Keep an eye out for my emails and on my social to see what I'm up to.
Do you deliver to my area?
You can check where we deliver by popping in your postcode. For the moment we also have to keep this delivery zone small until I get super sorted. If we don't deliver to your area, maybe you know someone who lives in the zone who can take delivery for you? Maybe you could eat it together! Otherwise, if you sign up we'll let you know when we expand the delivery zones or offer pickup locations.
Tom Sarafian 0417039189 [email protected] Carlton, VIC 3053
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