Access meals via your NDIS plan
The NDIS provides funding to over 500,000 eligible people with disability to access the services and
supports they need in order to have an improved quality of life.
For many people this includes being able to access high quality, nutritious and delicious meals made
locally (with love and care).
Katering at Home is proud to be able to provide meals to approved NDIS participants
within our community. Our goal is to make it easy for people on the NDIS to place their order
with either part-payment for Plan Managed participants or full-payment with compliant invoicing
for Self-Managed participants.
We provide a high level of personalised service to assist participants with placing orders and
answering any questions.
Interested in ordering meals via an NDIS plan?
If you'd like to order meals from us via your NDIS plan or if you have questions please get in touch
and we will help you.