Mango & Passionfruit Mousse Cake
The taste of summer has arrived. Bright and fruity, layers of luscious mango compote, tangy passionfruit & lemon curd, and mango mousse. Sits on vanilla sponge and with a bright sunrise coating.
Mango Mousse (Flora vegan cream, White chocolate (vegan), Caster sugar (Bundaberg), Water, Mango purée, Passionfruit purée, Agar (Ingredium), Thickener (iota carrageenan), Xanthan gum (E415)), mango compote (Mango purée, Caster sugar (Bundaberg), Lemon juice (Caterer's Choice), Pectin NH (E341iii), Vanilla extract (Alcohol free)), Passionfruit Curd (Flora vegan cream, Caster sugar (Bundaberg), Lemon juice (Caterer's Choice), Naturli, Passionfruit purée, Cornflour (GF), Custard powder (WW)), Joconde Sponge (Opera) (Flour (Gluten free), Icing sugar (Caterer's Choice), Soy milk (So Good), Water, Nuttelex, Lemon juice (Caterer's Choice), Baking powder (Caterer's Choice), Bicarb soda (McKenzies), Xanthan gum (E415)), Cocoa Butter Coating (Cocoa butter!, White chocolate (vegan)), Stable Cream Topping (Vegan cream cheese).