Macro Made Meals
Macro Made Meals card
Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Macro Made Meals. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch at [email protected]

How do I order?

Order via our Kitchen page at

You’ll need an account to place orders online.

To create an account, select the 'Sign up/Login' button located at the top of our Kitchen page and enter your details. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive our new menu via email from us each week. You can unsubscribe at any time.

When can I order?

Our menu is open for orders from 1pm Wednesday until 6pm Friday each week. Closing our menu each week gives us time to source the highest-quality ingredients for your meals, then prepare and cook each item from scratch. 

When will I receive my order?

We prepare our fresh meals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and pick up is between 3.30pm - 6pm on the day your chosen meals are cooked.

Do you have a minimum order value?

You can order as much or as little as you like.

Do you provide a list of ingredients and allergens?

Yes, each meal lists every ingredient and highlights any allergens in that meal. You can view the full list of ingredients and allergens for each item on our menu by clicking on the item’s image. All ingredients and allergens will also be listed on the label when the meal arrives. Please note, although our meals may not highlight specific allergens, we are not a completely 'allergen free' kitchen.

How can I contact your kitchen?

To contact our team, call us on 0428 719 112, or send us an email to We are always happy to help.

Macro Made Meals 0428 719 112 [email protected] Wangaratta, VIC 3677
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