Green Almond Foods
Green Almond Foods card
0410 428 262 [email protected] Attwood, VIC 3049

How it works:

Every Friday morning a menu is sent to your email. Our menu will close on Monday evening.

Pickup is available in Fitzroy from Rose St Pantry every Wednesday from 3pm-7pm. We are also delivering to selected areas. Please check if your area is included, if not please contact us and we will endeavour to deliver in your area.


My name is Anna.  I love food and have a passion for cooking wholesome, tasty, gluten free food.

After many years of running a successful catering business’ for corporate clients, a health scare made me change my lifestyle and my eating habits to lead a healthier life.

After three years of learning to nourish myself, I transitioned to a gluten free diet and wanted to share my passion for living a happy and healthy life with food that is good for you and delicious.

Green Almond Foods 0410 428 262 [email protected] Attwood, VIC 3049
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