Good Chef Bad Chef
Good Chef Bad Chef card
0432715143 [email protected] Elizabeth Park, SA 5113
How It Works

Our menu opens each Wednesday morning and closes Sunday evening. Pick up and delivery is Tuesday afternoon.

By signing up you will receive our menu direct to your inbox as soon as it opens so that you can place your order.

About Us

Why Good Chef Bad Chef? our two chefs, Alicia and Briony, love cooking all sorts of dishes with Alicia preferring dishes that are always good for you, and Briony some dishes that could be considered "bad" for you. We all need some good and a little bad in our lives!

The Good Chef...Alicia

Growing up I was the “Lady” of the house, my dad was a single dad and I took it upon myself to be the mum “The Cook.. that’s where it all began!

Having 3 daughters and teaching them the skill of cooking is something they will then pass on to their children.

Food is one thing that makes everyone happy.

Was always told two things when I was younger.. Never go to bed angry , and never go to bed HUNGRY!!

The Bad Chef...Briony

To me, Food is love and it brings people together whatever the situation or background.

Coming from a big family I loved cooking for any occasion and watching people as they tasted and shared a variety of delicious dishes.

My father is my inspiration and he taught me so many of the family recipes. He is a plumber for work and a fabulous cook for pleasure. He would always say to me "you will never starve". and I definitely wouldn't and neither will you as you allow us - Good Chef Bad Chef - to help you with your weekly dinner dilemma.

Good Chef Bad Chef 0432715143 [email protected] Elizabeth Park, SA 5113
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