Lamprais is the ultimate comfort food brought to life using different techniques and cooking styles. Seven different food elements, wrapped in a banana leaf & steamed to infuse the food with banana leaf aroma & flavour.
Coconut milk, Water, Ash Plantains, Onion, Green chilli, Curry powder, Turmeric powder, Garlic, Pandan leaves.
Pork, Onion, Garlic, Curry powder, Pepper, Curry leaves.
Chicken Maryland, Onion, Green chilli, Garlic, Curry powder, Stock powder, Chilli powder, Pepper, Curry leaves.
Basmati rice, lemongrass, Ghee, Pandan leaves.
Chilli paste.
Egg, Salt.
beef, Vegetable oil, Onion, Garlic, Pepper.
Potato, Onion, Green chilli, Vegetable oil, Chilli flakes, Curry leaves, Pandan leaves.
Water, lotus root, Onion, Coconut milk, Green chilli, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric powder, Curry powder, Curry leaves.