Golden Groves Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750ml
Hailing from the sunny groves of the Mani Peninsula, southern Greece, Golden Groves olive oil is 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil, raw, unfiltered and certified organic. Made from koroneiki olives, a variety of olive native to Greece, this oil is full-bodied, peppery and deliciously verdant. The purity of this olive oil is obvious from its effervescent colour, which has been skilfully attained by locals whose reverence for the harvesting of this ancient food has spanned generations. Golden Groves Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the perfect accompaniment to any dish, morning or night. Drizzle liberally over your favourite focaccia, anoint your salads with its sublime richness and fry your favourite fillet of fish with this wonderfully pure oil that will elevate the taste and aesthetic of any dish.
Olive oil.