Fiasconaro Panettone Pandorato 1kg
'Tis the season! We've just received our stock of Fiasconaro Panetonne, direct from Italy! They're fresh and delicious now, but will last beautifully until Christmas (if you can resist that long). The Panettone Pandorato is simple and delicious, with icing and granulated sugar. If you've never had a Pandorato, open the icing sugar sachet, pour on the top of the whole panettone whilst it's still in the plastic wrapping bag, and shake the bag to coat it all in the powdered sugar. It's a funny tradition, but one we love!
Egg, Egg White, Vanilla, honey, Glucose Syrup, Zibibbo Siciliane liquor, Flour, Butter, Caster sugar, Rice Flour, Corn Starch, Yeast, Cocoa Butter, Milk Powder, Salt, Almond.