Melbourne Backyard Honey 330g
Melbourne Backyard Honey 330g
We're thrilled to be working with our good friends at Backyard Honey to offer this incredible local product online! The taste, flavour, consistency and colour of Backyard Honey’s pure raw unheated multi-floral Melbourne honey reflects the floral abundance and landscape seasonality of Melbourne gardens. Each hive and Season produces a unique, small batch honey that is tripled strained to deliver a premium quality honey. The team at FairFeed trialled honey extracted from over 15 suburbs, and the Gardens of Melbourne blend was our favourite! In addition to it's wonderful flavour, raw honey is packed with micronutrients and has a host of health benefits to boot, including boosting your immune system this cold & flu season! The perfect gift for a loved one that struggles with Hay Fever. Add to you tea, toast, yoghurt, everything!
330 Grams
Gluten free
Nut free
Dairy free

Allergens -

No allergens present


Ingredients listed in description.